We help you find qualified professionals for your company.

The user behavior of employees has changed significantly in recent years and in turn, so has the job market. Job portals, postings and the like used to provide a remedy but today we receive virtually no applications, because in times of a skilled labor shortage, few people are actually proactively looking for jobs.


Never again a shortage of qualified employees. We position your company as a top employer in your region.
Mobile Recruiting - simple, fast
The modern way of head hunting


Why is an employer brand and social recruiting so important?

The user behavior of employees has changed significantly in recent years. So has the job market. Where job portals, job boards and the like used to provide a remedy, today we receive virtually no applications, because in times of a shortage of skilled workers, few people are proactively looking for jobs.

What are the current problems?

Finding qualified employees

Loss of sales, order stop & loss of quality due to lack of skilled workers

Stress level & employee turnover increase

Age-related retirements accelerating the shortage rates of skilled workers

Additional workload for existing employees and management

Solicitation of employees

What has worked so far?

Staffing agencies

Offline advertisements

Job portals

Flyers, newspapers

Why don't these methods work anymore?


High demand and little supply


Changes in employee behavior


Employee convenience


Professionals in a labor favorable market

What are the consequences?

Through our many years of experience, we have developed a novel method to obtain more and, above all, qualified applications for our clients.


Slow growth

The increasing demand for qualified employees and lack of resources prevents many companies from taking on more valuable orders. Then competition is sustainably dusting off your sales, potential customers and earned growth.


Competitive disadvantage

Conventional methods no longer attract talent to your company and more and more companies with a claim to success are breaking new ground by switching to our innovative method.


Dissatisfied employees

Capacity shortages in a team creates heavier workload. Overtime, dissatisfied employees and low quality of work result creating a negative company image on the outside.


Decreasing quality

Your company burning valuable time and money, while it can’t accept any more orders and stress levels are constantly increasing. Under these conditions, the quality of service and the product suffers. Your company’s hard-earned reputation is visibly dwindling.

Tired of it and want to eliminate the problem once and for all?

How would it feel if your company could attract and hire great employees 365 days a year?

Do you want to write your own success story? Let’s bring back the good old days.

So how do you win over employees?

What do you personally, your wife/husband, your children, employees, even your competitors have with you or in your hand all the time? That’s right! Their smartphone! About 87% of the German population uses social media about 5 hours and 22 minutes a day. This is exactly where you reach your desired professionals with a professional, targeted presence. (Digital 2022 Report by Hootsuite)

This is exactly where we come in: Never again suffer from a shortage of skilled workers and talent through social media recruiting!

MMag. Michael Lichtenegger MBA BA

Michael Lichtenegger has always been a pioneer. He knows small and medium-sized businesses inside out. For more than 10 years he built up marketing companies in the DACH region, which supported small and medium-sized businesses with their internet presence.

Early on, Michael Lichtenegger realized that the key resource in the medium term is building a good employer brand and finding quality professionals and talent. Michael Lichtenegger now brings his knowledge and experience in the SME sector and from over 33,000 customer projects to his company.

Christina Weidinger

Christina has been an entrepreneur for more than 15 years. In 2007, Christina founded her first company – a publishing house. This was followed by a consulting company, which was successfully sold to Chinese investors. She is also the author of Sustainable Entrepreneurship / Business Success through Sustainability and attended various lectures at institutions like Harvard University as a speaker. Since 2017, Christina has been advising a variety of companies on topics such as sales, emerging markets and innovation. Her focus is always on increasing a company’s sales and value.

Christina quickly realized that having the right people is a key function in any business. „I had some clients who had full order books, but they lacked the qualified staff to deliver those orders!“ Christina recognized this problem and developed a customized solution that truly works for any business. Mobile recruiting – simple, fast and direct! So that nothing stands in the way of your company’s success. You are only one click away from your desired employee.

References of Christina Weidinger:

Our team of experts

This is how cooperation works:

For us, it’s not about getting new applications in the short term, but about implementing a long-term system to attract qualified employees on a permanent basis.
1. Free consultation
Take the chance and let us show you, no obligations, how you can regularly attract good applicants for your company now and in the future.
2. Analysis of potential
Take the chance and let us show you, no obligations, how you can regularly attract good applicants for your company now and in the future.
Recruiting strategy
Together we create an individual recruiting strategy tailored to your needs with compete implementation into your company.

Your advantages with us

You save time and money

The costs and the effort per job filling are lower with our system than with the classical methods of headhunting.

Strategizing your application process

With the help of our system you determine yourself how many specialists you want to hire, when and where.

Faster application procedures

You will receive your first applications after only one month. This is significantly faster than with the old-fashioned methods.

High-quality applicants

Through our qualification process, applicants can be selected according to your criteria.

Long-term partnership

We want to help you find and hire the right people for the long term.

Sustainable, predictable system

Once our system is set up, it can be expanded and adapted at any time.
REALLY? Have you already read this far? Now it’s about time.

Employees & talents apply to you!

This is what you can expect with us:

Shorter time to hire
You’ll receive more qualified applications and save a significant amount of time.
Lower cost per hire
Our clients have up to 46% lower cost per hire.
Receive more applicants on a regular basis
Receive up to 52% more applicants for open positions.
Lower turnover
Matching selection reduces turnover by up to 32%.
Increased employee engagement
Finding the right employees increases productivity.
Get ahead of your competitors
Over 90% of companies are still using „outdated methods“.
More sales & profits
You can accept new projects with lower risk because the right people will come to you in time.
Better reputation & awareness
We make your company visible and ensure a strong employer brand.
Perfect visibility to potential employees
We advertise exactly where your potential employees are located.

We make the difference!

In the usual application process, users often need far more than 40 minutes. They often have to create a password, upload certificates and applications. With us, the application process usually only takes a minute.
Usual application process

Our Approach!

FAQ: Frequently asked questions from our customers

With our methods, we find exactly those professionals & talents in your area. We thereby reach the people who are on social media, who use a smartphone and WhatsApp. That means we reach 91% of the population in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
According to the Galup Institute, over 72% of companies suffer from a lack of skilled workers and talent. Orders cannot be accepted when growth is slowed down. This leads to cut-throat competition when it comes to attracting desired employees. With the „outdated methods“ mostly only job seekers and unemployed people are addressed – and that with ever increasing costs. With our method we regularly manage that companies can hire 2-6 employees within 3 months. The question should rather be: „How much money does your company lose every day because the vacancies are not filled with the right staff at the right time?“
The core of our work is to position your company as an interesting and attractive TOP employer in your region. User behavior (professionals & talents) has changed. Social media has changed the job market. Job portals, advertisements or the cooperation with „The Employment Agency“ do not work anymore. You get fewer applications via these platforms, which are often also of poor quality. Your desired employees, your future professionals and talents use their smartphones every day. They move online, on social media. That’s the medium where you need to be visible. If you can do that, and you give these people the opportunity to engage and interact with your company, you will magnetically attract desired employees. And that’s exactly what we are offering you.
Depending on your individual situation, we offer different options and models for you to get to know us. The goal for your entrepreneurial success is a long-term partnership for the permanent and sustainable acquisition of skilled workers and talents.
We can reach almost any desired employee or talent who use smartphones and are on social media. That means almost 90% of your target population in your area can be reached with our concept.
No, we are not. We are the extended arm of your company when it comes to finding, attracting and hiring desired employees. We market your company as an attractive employer, locally, regionally and nationally.
The core of our method is to position you and your company as an attractive employer. Your company is unique. Your company has its own values, a history and defined goals. Perhaps your company also has a unique vision that is being pursued. And this is exactly what we emphasize in the „free strategy talk“. We want to develop a customized strategy for you and your company. We do not work with just any company. We also have very clear requirements as to which companies we position as top employers and deliver desirable staff on the assembly line.
After receiving your request for the „free strategy talk“, we will check this request and get back to you. If your company meets the requirements, we look forward to talking to you. This conversation is 100 percent free of charge!